Wednesday, 24 April 2013

Retro wedding style

Can you shoot weddings in a retro style ?  This question came up twice recently. The answer of course is yes!

 Obviously some weddings naturally lend themselves toward a retro feel.  Look at this fab wedding I have selected to give a 70s feel. It was cream teas all round an a dreamy summers day. One of my Fav's !  Enjoy.

James Kearns.

Saturday, 15 September 2012

Saints V Exeter

I was commissioned to cover the Saints at home to Exeter last Sunday for the local paper. Great fun and I  managed to get some amazing images.. JK.

Click images once to enlarge.

Monday, 9 January 2012

The Sunday Times

The Latest edition of "The Sunday Times" Education supplement "Parent Power" features one of my photos within an Ad for GDST.
Its always nice to see my stuff in the "Times" Hope to make the front page one day !
James Kearns.

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

From PR to Pap !

Funny we now have a desk in London's Soho to cover fast paced PR,celeb and News events. But it was a more local story that hit the papers this week. I Stumbled upon chaos at Northampton's Abington ave BP Garage on Wednesday when a car crashed into the front of the store then sped off leaving quite a mess. Thankfully no one was hurt.

I grabbed a shot and it made the chron !

Very Peter Parker !


Sunday, 2 January 2011


Well here we are 2011 !!

2010 was a fab year for us having covered schools up and down the country taking in the sights along the way beaches mountains forests its amazing where our school photography takes us. I visited every corner of London last year and loved every minute.
I also found a new passion for architecture inspired by new build schools like Sevenfields primary school in Bristol. This school shows how a building design and fittings can have a direct impact on how people behave. Sevenfields is a shoes off school !! pupils are encouraged to kick the shoes off and find a nice spot in the open plan building to work and study in a comfortable setting. And its proving very productive ! Their academic achievements are sky rocketing.

So bring on 2011 I cant wait to see where it takes me .


Monday, 10 May 2010

Ali Pali !

A recent shoot took me to Wood Green north London. Its rare to get lunch break, but this was one of those times, I decided to get away from the hectic location and asked a local where I might get an hours peace. "Ali Pali" was her reply. Or Alexandra Palace to you or I.

wow what a fab location with views all across the London skyline to St Pauls and the docklands.

Ali Pali itself is a wonderful building that I am looking forward to exploring soon, great location for a fashion shoot.

I found these skaters round the back and fired off a few frames.



Friday, 7 May 2010

Poole shoot

DORSET SHOOT: my PR shoot in Poole went well great weather on the day. I was an hour early so had a chance for a stroll along the beach !
took a snap on the mobile !

must go back soon and spend some free time there.