Monday, 10 May 2010

Ali Pali !

A recent shoot took me to Wood Green north London. Its rare to get lunch break, but this was one of those times, I decided to get away from the hectic location and asked a local where I might get an hours peace. "Ali Pali" was her reply. Or Alexandra Palace to you or I.

wow what a fab location with views all across the London skyline to St Pauls and the docklands.

Ali Pali itself is a wonderful building that I am looking forward to exploring soon, great location for a fashion shoot.

I found these skaters round the back and fired off a few frames.



Friday, 7 May 2010

Poole shoot

DORSET SHOOT: my PR shoot in Poole went well great weather on the day. I was an hour early so had a chance for a stroll along the beach !
took a snap on the mobile !

must go back soon and spend some free time there.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

St Thomas of Canterbury Church Fulham


I blinked and now its 2010 ! And nearly 3 months into this new decade.

2009 was a fab year for me and my business . One of the most exciting aspects of being a professional photographer is that you never know what may come from the next phone call.

2009 saw me travel up and down the length and breadth of the country to cover PR photography, Editorial, Weddings etc. I’ve met some marvellous people along the way from some fantastic towns.

Much of my PR work comes from London a city that never ceases to inspire me, and it was a pleasure to be invited to work for one of Londons most famous institutions the V&A to promote an event they were organising to show case the refurbished Interior Decoration to the inside of St Thomas of Canterbury Church Fulham.

The V&A -

So back to 2010 Weddings and PR shoots have already took me To Leicester and Hereford and of course London and with more PR shoots booked for as far afield as Birmingham,Bristol,Potters BAR and as far up to Yorkshire in the near future it looks like I will see a lot more of our green and pleasant land. You can follow my tracks on Twitter this year and view images from every where I go.
