Monday, 10 May 2010

Ali Pali !

A recent shoot took me to Wood Green north London. Its rare to get lunch break, but this was one of those times, I decided to get away from the hectic location and asked a local where I might get an hours peace. "Ali Pali" was her reply. Or Alexandra Palace to you or I.

wow what a fab location with views all across the London skyline to St Pauls and the docklands.

Ali Pali itself is a wonderful building that I am looking forward to exploring soon, great location for a fashion shoot.

I found these skaters round the back and fired off a few frames.



Friday, 7 May 2010

Poole shoot

DORSET SHOOT: my PR shoot in Poole went well great weather on the day. I was an hour early so had a chance for a stroll along the beach !
took a snap on the mobile !

must go back soon and spend some free time there.